Visualcontainer + [.BOX] Videoart Project Space

36° Les Instants Vidéo Festival, Marseille, France – Up close, the picture fades – Global Opening @ SHARE RADIO

Dal 19 Ottobre al 1 Novembre 2023
Vernissage: 19 Ottobre ore 18.30
Apertura 25-26 Ottobre -1 Novembre dalle 18.30 alle 20.30
@SHARE RADIO via Borsieri 12 citofono n.2

Artisti: Carla Forte (United States) – Constance Barthélemy (France) – Dasha Brian (Poland) – Axel Chemin et Simona Zamboli (France) – Mateo Vega (Peru)

Anche quest’anno [.BOX] Videoart Project Space ospita la selezione curatoriale di Les Instant Video Festival in concomitanza con lo svolgimento del festival a Marsiglia. In questa occasione ringraziamo gli amici di Share Radio che ospiteranno gli screening nelle giornate del 19, 25, 26 Ottobre e 1 Novembre dalle 18.30 alle 20.30
Come di consueto sarà presentata un’altra selezione video su VisualcontainerTV visibile dal 19 Ottobre al 21 Novembre.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi all’inaugurazione 🙂

Up close, the picture fades (44’25)

From afar, my contours are precise

Up close, the picture fades

I am the mask and the skin (MP.B)

Opere in mostra:

Carmen (4’ – 2022) / Carla Forte (United States)

Carmen is an experimental short film in which the character tells the story through her body, creating new body language.

Fenz Flower (9’08 – 2023) / Constance Barthélemy (France)

Fenz Flower is a visual and sound poem for late filmmaker Robert Fenz. Themes of freedom and materiality in film are introduced, in the trail of Fenz legacy. Musical soundtrack is by Australian composer and performing artist Lawrence English. Visual is a short reel exploring 16mm material with a unique photograph taken from a stroll in the mountain, expanding into an organic beat. Accompanied with the voice-over of late American experimental filmmaker Robert Fenz (1969-2020), this short experimental film is a poem for Robert Fenz, a testimony to analog filmmaking and an introduction to free cinema.

28.7.1951(9’40 – 2022) / Dasha Brian (Poland)

The film draws attention to the humanitarian crisis against refugees and shows that support is needed regardless of citizenship, sexual orientation, or nationality. The relevance of the project lies in the fact that nowadays people outside Ukraine often face discrimination and neglect, despite the fact that they are in the same difficult circumstances because of the war, and people because of their sexual orientation fall into an additional zone of risk due to homophobia and transphobia.

I’M NOT THERE (4’08 – 2022) / Axel Chemin et Simona Zamboli (France)

An immersion in a recognition system transforms familiar objects and places into a disquieting environment.

Center, Ring, Mall (17’29 – 2023) / Mateo Vega (Peru)

A multi-vocal triptych through peripheral sites of urban infrastructure: a data center, a ring road, and a run-down mall. All three sites were built with certain worldviews: visions of the future and US-influenced promises of progress that didn’t turn out to be the utopias they presented themselves as. Through multi-lingual texts, a site-specific soundtrack, 16mm and 3D images, the spaces and their implications are subjectively mapped, poeticized and questioned. A poetic materialism of decay, renewal, remembering and projecting, Center, Ring, Mall is perhaps mourning, but one that desires and demands a rebirth.

About Les Instants Video

Since 1988, we presented more that 4600 artists and 7000 art works in Europe, Asia, North Africa, Middle East, Far East, Central Asia, South and North America. We owe them so much. We are go-between.

From 2022, it is a collective of 4 persons who share the responsibilities of the association’s artistic choices. It is therefore putting into practice new forms of working together, with the desire to introduce horizontality in the fabrication of the festival and in the relationships with artists.

Shareradio è una radio web nata nel 2009 a Baggio, periferia Ovest di Milano, con l’intento di promuovere coesione sociale in città: comunicare e insegnare a comunicare sono le azioni che ne caratterizzano l’attività.

Da Giugno 2015 Shareradio è diventata associazione di promozione sociale.

L’associazione si propone di coniugare nelle proprie attività forme di citizen journalism, story telling e media education, intese come discipline e processi di insegnamento e apprendimento collettivo sui media finalizzate al cambiamento social.

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